Hit and miss
10 February 2023
The episodes vary in their sub genres of horror, so that don't think everyone will enjoy all of them. The ones you will enjoy will also depend on your tastes.

I liked Episode 1, 4-6, and 8. I started the rest, but quickly lost interest, so I ended up skipping them.

Episode 1 goes into what a man has kept in a storage facility (the genre would be a spoiler) Episode 2, 7 are creature features Episode 3 seemed to be about a psychopath Episode 4 is body horror Episode 5 and 6 are cosmic horrors (and my personal favorites of the series) Episode 8 is a gothic horror about a haunted house.

Overall I would say watch the ones that interest you, but don't feel obligated to watch them all if they aren't keeping your attention.
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