Just for Showmance (2023 TV Movie)
Just for avoiding
26 February 2023
This is not one of the worst Reel One Entertainment TV movies, but one of the worst movies I ever watched. I'll start with a good things because there are barely any.

Audio production was suprisingly good which is rare for ROE TV movie, and that's too bad as was wasted. Another good thing is that kid (Sophia VanDette) wasn't ruined by excessive makeup like in some other ROE TV movies, and accidentaly she is the only likeable person in the whole movie, too - all right, Ben with a really limited screen time was ok, too. And they actually used real Twitter and not a parody social network.

This movie has absolutely the worst makeup on the whole female cast in any ROE TV movie and I watched them over hundred. Every actress in the vast majority of movie looked like a clown. Maybe they did that on purpose because all of them were horrible as persons so I guess it's symbolic. It takes place in California, but it was shot in Kentucky, and it was both a mess and hilarious - just read goof section which I added.

This is I think 6th ROE TV movie in 2023 season about single dad with obligatory acting your intellectual age trope. The whole movie can be simply described as a convoluted mess. Even after a week I still can't wrap my mind about what I watched. Then I checked writer and, oh boy, it's Chris Woodley, the same writer of "Write Place, Write Time" which is, you guess, another convoluted mess, but at least in that movie is Kaitlyn Leeb.

Just watch trailer as it shows everything anyway and save your free time for something better.
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