Fear Thy Neighbor (2014–2023)
Put your gun away
5 March 2023
I've only watched a few episodes and like the series. Most shows I've seen end with gun violence. Tired of endings like this. Neighbours have to resort to shooting each other because the cops won't/can't help. Fix the fence so your dog won't get out. Make an easement to let neighbours get around. Simple solutions to dumb problems. The acting is decent. But who drives around holding their son while driving a tractor? If most people had working cameras,then that would solve many "who did that" problems. Nowadays its better off to walk away than "kick the hornets nest". I had a neighbour who thought he could rule me. My fence was too tall-it was grand-fathered in by the city. He also got me for parking to close to a driveway(has to be 6ft.)Back and forth we went. He eventually gave in,and we put a new fence up between us.(which was falling over and rotten)No more problems.
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