Review of Kill List

Kill List (2011)
Dark and twisted UK folk horror
26 March 2023
Ben Wheatley's unanimous magnum opus. A troubled army-vet and his friend take up a contract killing, only for it to spiral into a black hole of folk horror.

Fantastic acting from our two main leads Jay and Gal. To say our lead, Jay is a troubled man is an understatement, and his descent into madness is very well performed.

The film goes from depressing, to dark, to a complete surreal nightmare. That final twist ending will leave you pretty shook.

The only real negative is the unnatural sound affects they used for the masked cultists to artificially make them sound more inhuman, which felt a little cheap, but I understand the decision.

If you're a fan of a good bone chilling thriller that doesn't rely on jumpscares, watch Kill List.
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