Sonic Prime (2022–2024)
You'd expect Netflix to ruin this too but it's good
28 March 2023
My main issue is with the voices. Eggman, most notably, was voiced by a great voice actor until now, not sure why he needed to be recast. Knuckles doesn't sound right too, with a goofy obviously-forced (not natural) deep voice.

Sonic's voice actor does a great job filling Roger Craig Smith's shoes, so no complaints there, at least.

The character designs are good and as you'd expect, and the budget for the animation is clearly vastly higher than it was for Sonic Boom, which is always welcome.

But that hour-long episode model just doesn't work well for a kids show. I watched it with my kids because like any parent I force my childhood upon them (jk, they like Sonic legitimately), but this is too long to keep a kid's attention.

20 minutes per episode like any normal kids show would've made way more sense.

Also as much as people love to hate on Sonic Boom, it was way better packed with bite sized adventures and humor than this. This tries to be too serious, too complicated, and again - episodes are way too long for its own good.

So nobody in my house really enjoyed it or wanted to continue watching after one episode. I'm only rating it this high because it's a decent attempt at doing a Sonic thing.

And while Netflix didn't ruin it with his usual, predictable forced agendas (at least not in the few episodes I saw), it did ruin it by making it not fun or interesting enough.

Kind of like what they did with the Cuphead show. Great concept - not great execution. Hard to tell who this is for, too.

Those few, basic OG Sonic game references will only resonate with long-term Sonic fans, but the show is targeting children... yet it's too complicated and serious, and long, for children to get invested into... Go figure.

I wonder if Netflix even does any screen testing or... at this point, even cares who they're hiring to do the big decisions and write the scripts, direct... I'm starting to see a pattern of disappointing shovel ware productions with a high budget.
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