Review of Plan B

Plan B (2023– )
not good enough
10 April 2023
Total: 5.5/10 Plot: 6/10 Characters: 6/10 Protagonists: 7/10 Antagonists: 4/10 Romance: 5/10 Philosophy: 8/10 Entertainment: 6/10

This show is pretty close to being actually really good.

I wish I could recommend this, but unfortunately there are blatant issues.

First of all in the first episode relatively at the beginning (hence not really a spoiler) It seems like the brother of the protagonists girlfriend is sleeping with his sister, which is never brought up again. This to me was egregious and I wanted some form of pay off to that scene that never came.

The second issue is, that we just don't really get any satisfactory payoff scenes at all. They are always drowned in new issues for the protagonist.

The third is that the protagonist is really not very likeable even though he isn't as horrible as the other characters.

To me this could have been a dark comedy about the abyss that the human sociality can be. But it also fails at that due to the plot not allowing for things to spiral out of the ordinary too far before our protagonist pulls the halyard and sets sail to another realm of possibilities only to run another issue.

The acting is good. The overall promised time travel works relatively well even though way too unexplored.

I wanted to like this show because I like the concept of a character knowing the future in fiction and acting accordingly to his knowledge.

I'm willing to give it a 5.5/10 for what it's worth with a tendency to a 6.
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