Review of Plan B

Plan B (2023– )
Starts Pretty Strongly Only To Falter Quickly
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And the ending? Did the writers forget she told him the name Charlette?

The show had potential... The foundation, the ability to fix mistakes by going back. It could touch upon many exsistential questions about love, mistakes, ability to change etc... Yet it does not. It is one dimensional and forced drama.

What starts as a loving emphatetic couple the writers quickly change, his character , previously a ambitions but kind,warm and understanding individual becomes in a matter of 2 episodes a complete selfish creep while she became the personification of complaining, each sentence out of her mouth is a complaint or nagging. Relationship becomes completely unrealistic, constantly forced melodrama/conflicts, no effort to resolve anything.

Difficult to watch and not entertaining television. Melodrama for melodrama's sake.

Then theres the conclusion, which who knows what is about. She sort of makes amends/tells him she doesnt hate him anymore and then he says hes sorry anyway and "also hes sorry for Charlette". And cut to credits...

Huh? That is supposed to mean something special?!? A supposed Hint that he also went back to the same date?

Doesnt make any sense because when they first meet in the past she screams at him and TOLD HIM about Charlette so him knowing the name indicates NOTHING, it points at no twist.

Can the writers actually be THAT sloppy and forgot they incorporated her name in the beginning of the episode?

Meh... in any case just a subaverage show despite having potential.
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