Looks like it was filmed yesterday.
26 April 2023
Was awfully good until the romance started. I've seen it too many times and I can't bear to watch it. I want to see more of Sinatra who is very good by the way. He won an Oscar for this film and it was like a new start for his career.

Everyone looks like real movie stars. They are all so damn good looking. Lots of good characters but boring romance. Burt Lancaster is incredibly good. The film looks like it was filmed yesterday but in black and white. The scenes of the attack on Pearl Harbor are terrifyingly beautifully shot. Looks like they were filmed in 2030.

The film is based on a book that I haven't read, but I'm guessing it's not a very good film adaptation. Lancaster says Clift's character loved the Army more than anyone else. It is not very clear in my opinion. I can imagine in the book that you get to read his inner dialogues that show it more. It is also a long book so difficult to cut down to a 2-hour film.

I think the film is a bit shallow. There are some good topics and messages to work on, but it falls quite short of the finish line. It feels a bit half-baked. I can imagine that the book is quite a bit better. Apart from brilliant acting, the film doesn't have too much to offer. Good but also a bit too boring.
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