Jarhead (2005)
Study of Masculinity.
26 April 2023
Best scene ever when they watch the best scene ever (ride of the valkyries) and scream and sing. Chills all over the body. It was insanely powerful. Haven't seen many more powerful movies in my life.

This movie smells like men and my eyes are crying. Brotherhood and testosterone to spare. Then of course comes the setback and we are shown how terrible war is. The writing is just spectacular. This is the best written war movie ever. These guys just want to feel helpful in the war. They want to belong.

The ending is not what you would expect when you start watching the movie. The whole movie is spectacular but the last 15 minutes is otherwordly. It's tragic but also hopeful and beautiful in a way.

You can imagine that this is some B-roll because it looks a bit like that on the cover. Gyllenhaal also usually plays in some indies, but this one was shot by Roger Deakins so it's legit stuff. It looks absolutely phenomenal.

I felt like a changed man after seeing this movie. It oozes of testosterone. It's not just a "bro movie", it's a deep study of masculinity. I'm not smart enough to explain it. You will have to see it for yourself.
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