This animation style is terrible.
16 May 2023
This animation style is terrible. It feels like it was designed for a 12 year old girl. In this animation style, the characters are poorly designed with disproportionate bodies and awkward facial features. Their movements lack fluidity and appear jerky and unnatural. The overall animation quality is extremely low, with evident shortcuts and lack of attention to detail.

The color palette chosen for the animation is garish and clashes with the surroundings. Colors may be oversaturated or poorly blended, resulting in an unpleasant visual experience. The backgrounds lack depth and intricacy, often appearing flat and lacking any sense of realism or coherence.

The overall art style is simplistic and lacks creativity. The character designs may lack originality, with generic and uninspired features. The lack of attention to details is evident in things like static or poorly animated hair, lackluster clothing, and uninteresting props.
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