They're back. Or have they only just arrived?
16 May 2023
Personally, I don't think the Muppets have ever ever ever EVER been wrong about anything. This show just proves my point. I think they're going to elevate Lily Singh to new heights that she hasn't attained yet & bring in fans from all corners of the globe. Lily, to me, was an internet celebrity, and now, she's much much more; she manages the Mayhem.

I was skeptical about this show when I heard that the Mayhem were going to star, but then I realized they haven't been the center of any show or movie yet.

Imagine. You're floating on a river in the summery, relaxation mode you get yourself into this time of the year, when you come to an eddy that stops you in your tracks & allows you to explore what's around you for a moment in time, if your choosing. That's what this show is, does & will continue to do. A bright, refreshing view of something we've never seen before.

The Mayhem is as brilliant as they always were but with the spotlight on, for the first time, fans of the muppets & fans of entertainment in general can view their magnificence in all its glory.

All hail the Electric Mayhem!
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