Slow, boring, and baity
18 May 2023
When I saw Macfadyen re-taking the role of Robert the Bruce, I expected a sort of spiritual sequel to Braveheart. Well, this couldn't be further from it.

However, it wouldn't be fair for me to criticize the movie bacause of my unrealized expectations if it was any good. But it isn't. The movie is dark, slow, boring and depressing. It focuses more on a mother, her kids and their struggles than on Robert (you know, the guy in the title?).

The Bruce is just an excuse, a plot device, for a story that has nothing to do with kings, battles, or even Scotland. He's barely in it for the entire first hour (yeah, the movie is also long), reduced to a patethic and demotivated excuse for a king...

I don't want to go into spoilers so I'm just going to say this: if you're looking for an exciting movie, this is not for you. If you're looking for an historical drama about Robert I, this is also not for you. If you're looking for at least a historically accurate story, guess what? This isn't for you either.
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