The Doris Day Show (1968–1973)
Three reasons to watch this show: Day, Day and Day
23 May 2023
Doris Day was an amazing personality. She conquered movies, being one of the most popular stars of her era. And she was in movies ranging from frivolous musicals to Hitchcock. A beautiful singer, she had hit records. Late in life, she had a popular TV show that went through several permutations with constantly changing cast members, yet which nevertheless remained popular.

The show wasn't popular because times were simpler. Things have been complicated lately because of computers, but a few years ago I made a meal for two consisting of chicken breasts, black-eyed peas, broccoli and biscuits (from a bag) and gravy (from a bag) that tasted like they were made from scratch, in thirty minutes. If my farming grandparents wanted peas they had to grow them. If they had a (rare) chicken dinner they had to chop wood for the stove . . . And they had to kill and pluck one of their chickens. Ask those whiners these days who think things were simpler in the good ol' days to do any of that. Work was hard, money was scarce, people died younger. Oh, and my farming grandparents probably never heard of broccoli, substituting turnip greens and mustard greens instead. I was a generation removed from them but basically grew up on what today is written off as "soul food."

Day in her day was a beloved actress, singer, dancer and personality. But her TV show, while popular, wasn't very funny. It needed the laugh track.

It started out with Day on a farm with her father (Denver Pyle), a hand (James Hampton) and two kids. She went to the city later, working with or for people like Billy de Wolfe and John Dehner. I suppose it must have been trying to keep her "current" but it proves the sole reason rhe show stayed afloat was Day's own buoyant persona.

That's the dividing line between those who loved the show and those who hated it: what is your Doris Day threshold?

Sweetness and light aren't popular as of this writing. TV shows and movies are dark, thematically and physically. If that's your preference, this show isn't for you. Though watching it may inspire you to become a better person.
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