Hypnotic (2023)
Was this script written by ChatGPT?
31 May 2023
Oh my goodness, how in the world did Ben sign up for this lazy writing? If this is all it takes to write movies these days then anyone can write any crazy unexplainable story and not care of it makes sense or not. Sure it's fiction and we know fiction isn't real but it ought to make some sense, unless it's cartoon.

I am very much disappointed in the whole premise. So many loopholes and when the great reveal happened, it just confused the movie even further. It was like you suddenly were watching a different movie.

The continuity didn't make sense. One minute someone is here, the next minute they aren't the one but someone else. I couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening. The acting was bad and bland.

It could have been so much better. It had the Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange and Professor X vibes but I guess they didn't have the budget to make it that huge.
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