End of a franchise?
21 June 2023
With this latest and possibly the final film in the Evil Bong franchise. Evil Bong 888: Infinity High (released last year- 2022) sees major differences to the previous two, three films.

The plot of this film revolves around Rabbit having opening up an elegant restaurant. With many different characters coming in as customers we see interactions among Rabbit, and the customers. Eebee is top notch here and she is the clear highlight and delivers great one liners as the most foul mouth she has been. More screen time for her is always great.

Nothing much happens in this film but there is some entertainment factor in watching these different bizarre characters come into play. These include, three social media influencer women, an angry complaining "Karen" type, those stoner ghosts characters from the previous films, and Barbie and Kendra (another Charles Band directed series- quite a random cross promotion).

Also at the near end, Larnell makes a brief cameo. As does the Gingerdead Man and Gingerweed Man.

Overall, this film isn't great but is perhaps slightly better than films 5-7 (could differ depending on preference and character interest). This franchise can be separated in different parts. Films 1-3, then 4 & 5, then 6 & 7, and finally 8.

After watching the entire franchise in several days, can conclude that this franchise does deserve more of a following. Noticing that the total IMDB votes for each film seem to have less than its predecessor. Evil Bong 888 has the least amount of votes so far which makes sense since it is the most recent. Perhaps it was time for this franchise to end and based on the end credits and send off, it looks to be final.
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