Maximum Truth (2023)
And now, the maximum truth. . .
24 June 2023
This weak kneed sack of corny, rated a lofty 5.9 stars at the time of this writing, was rated exactly 8 times to high!

Not only that, my friends, but the name is a misnomer as well. It should have been called "Maximum Steaming Pile" or at least subtitled as much.

All that said, this movie is the kind that if watched with while under the influence of some delish ediblies or at least a 3 blunt high, the rating would instantly vault into a perfect 10.

Not only that, but because you would not remember a single thing from watching it in that state, except that you laughed until your sides hurt, you would be inspired to watch it a second time!!!!

Yes, my friends, in very cloud there is a silver lining. . . .
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