Dump the live characters
13 July 2023
This one snagged me and reeled me in. The band is back together, all in character (especially animal). There are also lots of new well-written bits, as well as tons of flashbacks from the original muppet show. As others have said, the band needed a show that focuses on them instead of the other muppets. The only muppet that is out of place is the record promoter, or whatever she's supposed to be. I don't know if she's supposed to be a squid, papaya, or number 2 pencil, but she's definitely not a muppet.

It's also nice to see they followed the old muppet show formula of including one of two A-List performers in each episode. Ziggy Marley, Morgan Freeman, Cheech and Chong, etc.

But. As others have pointed out, the lead live action characters have *way* to much screen time and don't add anything to the show except for Disney's cookie-cutter saccharine. It's a shame to ruin a show with such potential as this one has, just to "barbie and ken" up the place.
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