Review of R

R (2023)
Another great indie film
14 July 2023
'R' is a great film. And although there are a few small issues, it does a fantastic job amalgamating different genres and tones to create a humorous, engaging, well-paced watch that manages to pack lots of detail and character depth - allowing its weaker elements to be forgotten about as the credits roll.

Diving into 'R' , you'll notice the film is very dialogue heavy, which can often be disengaging for certain audience members. Whilst this was not necessarily a problem for myself (as I was intrigued by the premise), the humor integrated into the film really helped me to enjoy this watch a bit more. And for those who dislike heaps of dialogue, this humor will help keep them engaged as they watch.

Although this dialogue might cause some problems, it actually helps the story become a lot more character-driven. Characters develop through their dynamics and conversations with other characters and you can really sense the depth and detail that was put in to them. What Pollak does here is the main gem of the film, as he clearly sets out and crafts clear arcs for our main characters and even supporting characters in the process.

In terms of the story, 'R' is very unique. Before watching, I pondered how a film like this would play out, and thought it would take a cliched route. Yet I was wrong, Its clever how certain plot beats and elements are connected and flow really nicely to complete the film. And although it isnt the perfect story in any way - its great to see how such a simple premise (a man making a movie) can be elevated to create a film with such detail and even more enjoyable plot points/ turn of events.

Acting is good at most parts, and their are some moments that feel off .However the standouts for me are Brad Pollak (who brilliantly plays the lead character Director Gordon Flemyng), and J'amore ward, who does a sublime job portraying a lead actor in the film. Eric Roberts and Oliver Cooper play small parts in the film, yet they still shine.

Aesthetically, there are problems as this is a low-budget film, however the cinematography and uniqueness in shots really encapsulate a 60's vibe extremely well. Especially considering the budget!

Ultimately, 'R' is a great watch, and although it may be a simple premise - it's Holden Pollaks beautiful crafting of characters and perfectly infused dialogue that keep the score up nice and high for me and make the premise even better than it is.

Rating 7.5/10.
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