Superman is best when he's more Man than Super, and this show Nails It!
16 July 2023
This series is more of an origin story of superman starting from when he first moves to Metropolis and joins the Daily Plant. Joined by Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane he slowly discovers new aspects to his powers beyond his stength, flight, and speed, and discovers more about where he's from, what he is, and what his place is in the world. This series focuses more on who superman is and his daily life than with his super heroics (though there is plenty of that too). I mean, it's in the title "My Adventures with Superman" isn't just talking about Lois and Jimmy, it's talking about Clark too.

Every character in this series is unique, has their own personality, and their own room to grow as people. They're all also wildly entertaining. For Clark Kent they really went deep into the whole mild-mannered aspect and really shows that he's a farmers kid from Kansas. He's hopeful, optomistic, doesn;t like lying or cheating, and is a bit socially awkward. Essentially, he's the last guy you would ever suspect of being Superman, which is perfect.

Lois Lane is feisty, driven, but still has heart and most importantly, when she goes too far or is wrong, she admits it and genuinely apologizes (which is strangely rare in modern media). Basically, she has a personality, goals, flaws, and compassion. I was expecting the typical character that just has "strong femal lead" written as their personality that seems so prevalent nowadays, but she really shines and is really a co-star rather than just being "the love interest".

Jimmy Olsen has his own goals of being a photographer and revealing the "truth" about E. T.'s and other paranormal phenomenon. They haven't focused too much on his character yet, but just the small window we've been given shows a lot of potential.

The Animation style of this series is top knotch. It has the combined Western/Anime feel that's seen in Invincible and Legend of Korra. The reactions of the characters are shown very well, and the action scenes pack a punch.

The Voice acting of the series a a real highlight. I cannot praise the VA's enough. Literally every character so far has had a unique voice, their lines are delivered naturally, and the inflections are perfect in a way that turns regular throw away lines into masterpieces! Seriously, I cannot praise the VA's enough on this one.

TL;DR This series is amazing in all aspects. Characters, animation, story, voice acting. I highly recommend this show to anyone and everyone.

I kind of don't want to get too invested in the show only because if the series gets cancelld after 1 or 2 seasons (as many amazing shows do), then the blow will be lessened.
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