A wholly effective and enjoyable exploitation throwback
6 August 2023
Heading out for a trip to the woods, a group of friends enjoying a weekend getaway at a summer camp are tipped off to a potential cult of cannibals from a group of women partying nearby only to realize the truth about the cannibal cult and must try to get away alive.

There was a lot to like with this grindhouse-style throwback. The most obvious is the given part of the title, offering a lot to enjoy with that aspect given a lot of leeway. Not only offering up a lot of nudity from those well-qualified and ably enjoyable to deliver it but the sheer gratuitous nature of generating whole scenes with all the participants fully unclothed is also commendable. The ease with which these are carried out only adds to the depraved and sleazy time where this exploitation-style nudity adds a nice charm to the overall affair. As well, the simplistic and generally enjoyable storyline that not only provides numerous examples to get them topless but also serves as a genuinely thrilling time. The group's meet-up with the girls and get-together has a lot to like as the burgeoning idea of what's going to happen to them leads some suspense to their antics, and when running concurrent to the warlock's training of the first victim's boyfriend into joining the battle against them has a rather engaging premise. Given the last-minute twist and some nice action chases through the woods, there's plenty to like here. In addition to the fun nudity, there's also the delightfully fun and campy gore from the fun kills which come about quite nicely throughout here. The actual kills come about through decent enough indie-style setups involving knife stabbings, an impaling with a machete, and numerous gunshot wounds yet this gets the most out of the numerous bodies shown ripped apart and devoured. This goes overboard in that regard by showing all the chunks getting ripped off and chomped on, generating all sorts of fun bloodsplatter and drenching everyone in the area in a thick goopy mess for added effect. These offer up the film's likable factors.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Constant Full Nudity, Graphic Language, and mild drug use.
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