Amateur hour
12 August 2023
Deadly Illusions sets off to a promising start before sliding gradually into farce. It feels as if those involved just went along with the flow, perhaps too naive or too scared of the director to speak up about the bizarre script and poor editing. Inconsistent pacing, curious but incomplete interludes and the laughable plot, combined with unconvincing acting and a pathetically weak ending, result in an altogether unsatisfactory performance. If this was produced as a showcase or proposal for a film to be made by a major studio, it would not have sold without significant improvements. As it is, it falls almost completely flat. The one bright spot (sufficient for a second star) is Greer Grammer's vindictive persona that finally emerges after far too much of her vacant sicophantic drivel in the first three-quarters. That at least was convincing and heart-felt, whereas the rest were merely coasting along.
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