Painkiller (2023)
A story that must be told... over and over again.
1 September 2023
No, I haven't watched Dopesick... yet. But after reading all the reviews on here - I'm going to! This is truly a story that MUST be told in as many ways as possible. The Sackler family must be held accountable for what they did. And if the Court won't do it - then we will. When these peoples' lives become so miserable and no one wants anything to do with them that no amount of money could fix that... I know, wishful thinking, because - who are we kidding - everyone has a price, right?

As far as the show itself - typical Netflix production. Meaning, not so great. There were so many things that really annoyed me. The constant intercutting of scenes was super distracting. I kid you not, there was one scene which lasted about 10 minutes where the characters were just high. I get it, they wanted the audience to get a taste of what it feels like to be high but they completely ruined it. They made it unwatchable. I could barely get through that episode. It completely distracted from the story of the series and totally ruined the flow of it.

Overall, from a production stand point - not that great. However, we should ignore that because this is one of those "films" they should show in schools. People need to know that pharmaceutical companies are just that - companies. And companies work for profits. And that everyone has a price. No one actually cares about your health and well-being. No one. Not even the people who are hired to do that. It's just a job to them.
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