Review of House of Cards

The camera work is good, actors good - but gawd the script stinks
4 September 2023
First and foremost, this is not a "thriller" - there are no "thrills" and the thing is neither enigmatic nor engaging - you'll basically just find yourself enduring it.

That said, this is a very stylish visual production - the sets, the camera work, the Paris venues and views, the actors are quite good, even the music is OK and heavily relied on for whatever narrative mojo this thing tries to gush out.

But, oh, the script - it stinks to high heaven.

I can't go into detail so as not to be a spoiler - but suffice to say, the thing is charmless despite all it's eye candy - not only is the story completely muddled but the dialogue is clumsy and stilted. The narrative pacing is atrocious, it goes along nicely and then takes a huge turn, speeds up, then slows down - it's all just insufferable.

Peppard is Peppard - beautiful, bloodless, and wise-cracking in a suave sixties hip way - and the other cast - including. Orson Welles - are all present and accounted for - but there's just nothing for them to do really, except walk thru the thing.

So, if you watch this, enjoy the Paris style of it - but that's all you're gonna get. :-)
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