An interesting film, but not the 'classic' its touted as being
17 September 2023
In the year 1982, filmmaker and super fan Marty DiBergi decides to make a film on legendary English heavy metal band Spinal Tap on what is to be their US comeback tour. Will Spinal Tap be able to replicate their earlier success or will this US tour prove to be their last hoorah?

This is a film that I've wanted to see for so long, but it was so rarely on TV that I never managed to catch it. Recently it was on BBC2 so I decided to give it a go and my feelings on the film are rather mixed...

To start with the good; I thought the film was very well made and as host and filmmaker I thought Rob Reiner did a very good job - it's rare that you see him in front of the camera, but as it turns out unlike some directors he's not a bad actor. I also felt that the film offered a decent insight into life in a band and life on the road so to speak; although it's clearly an exaggeration and a spoof of rock bands and the rock band scene it all comes across quite convincingly and believable. I could well believe that musicians, managers, promoters etc would have some of the squabbles and issues that are depicted in the film. In fact, this is where the film is at its best; the backstage stuff, the interviews and so on are the more interesting aspects of the film. There were a couple of funny moments such as the artificial limb scene at the airport and the stonehenge debacle.

The downside of the film for me lay with some of the characters; although some of what they say and do can be of interest they're all a bit thinly drawn and many claim that this film is an hilarious spoof of the rock n roll scene. Personally I would categorise this film as being a mildly amusing film, but certainly not a laugh out loud spoof. I also hoped I'd get more from the actual music side of the film, but even the songs weren't all that memorable - then again as its meant to be a spoof maybe that was the point.

Although the main stars did a solid job I just wish that they'd have had a bit more about them; when watching films I like characters with something about them, somebody who you can understand, identify with and I just didn't get much of that here.

This is Spinal Tap is an interesting insight into the rock n roll music scene (albeit an exaggerated offering) and for this reason it is worth seeing - particularly if you are a fan of the genre of music which is being spoofed. However, its best to keep your expectations low and ignore all the hype surrounding the film. That way, at least, you should find the film to be moderately enjoyable.

FUN FACT; this film is apparently the only film on IMDB to have a rating out of 11.
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