Review of Butter

Butter (2022)
What's Up with the Soundtrack??
17 September 2023
Great Movie and even better soundtrack.

Hey guys - The scene where Butters friends take him out .

At one point you see them line dancing - Cowboy country style .

But the song playing is far from country !!

Sounds like Zeppelin!!

" All I wanted to say..... You're gonna miss me when I'm gone ".... ( something like that ).

Who is That ??????

Also - another fun little tune I heard in the movie ... The scene after the Christmas scene , Butter is taking to his friend .

Then you see him in a supermarket loading up supplies .

The lyrics are like " Well On That Street /You bought your scar - from my way down / Had my Fortune Told .... And that Green Eyed Gypsy / Oh so shakes me / She says that the Pain is what makes me - Whole ".... Oh such a cool little tune !!

Who sings that ???

I'm on a mission .

Again - Great movie - I wish I could be a vigilante and deliver Justice to all who have been bullied !!

Tears me apart !!

I don't get it !!

I grew up with a bunch of A Holes and went to school for 12 years and I never ever noticed or knew of anyone being bullied .

But then again - I grew up without social media .

That's a real Be Otch !!

But still - people were still bullied back then .

Never around me though .

Or even my friends who went to other schools .

Trust me - If I did see anything like that - a boy or girl being bullied , it would end fast !!

I'm that type of guy .

I always stick up for the underdog .

Everyone should !!
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