23 September 2023
I know nothing of this story and after watching this film I still know nothing of this story. Its what you call a poor poor man's rise of footsoldier, but one of the sequels cos the original was a good film.

I can forgive the bad casting, stupid accents, time scale, dumb costume, laughable fight sequences, wooden characters etc but at the heart of all this is the awful script. I see the lead character wrote this, and sadly it shows. This is my first time watching a Steve Wraith film and sadly it will be my last. The script was gcse level at best. Not one for slatting ppl in industry but this needs to be said... 'Steve, you may read this and think I don't understand the film you made, but I do and it was a badly made one. Sorry but it's true. Plus those who funded the film, are you on drugs?' Anyone who thinks this is even a fair film knows nothing about film so ignore any high reviews.
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