I love this movie, really underrated one
29 September 2023
Ghost in the Shell (2017), a cybernetic ballet of stunning visuals and philosophical musings. Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of Major was captivating, embodying the essence of a cybernetic being grappling with identity. The film editing embraced the high-tech aesthetic, seamlessly blending action sequences with moments of introspection. The movie's strength lies in its visual spectacle, transporting the audience to a dystopian world that feels both futuristic and eerily familiar. While the narrative occasionally stumbled in fully exploring its existential themes, the music added a haunting layer that complemented the film's atmosphere. Cinematography plunged us into a neon-soaked cityscape, capturing the beauty and complexity of a world where humanity and technology intertwine. At 7/10, Ghost in the Shell is a cyberpunk visual feast that sparks contemplation on what it means to be human in an increasingly digital age.
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