The Reckoning (2023)
Childhoods destroyed
11 October 2023
The Reckoning. BBC 2023 docu drama on the life of Jimmy Savile. Steve Coogan plays Saville over a 40+ years and he is frighteningly real. His recreation is stomach turning and he gets the mannerisms perfectly. The main point of the drama is to highlight how Savile was able to get away with years of sexual abuse under the noses of the establishment? Because he made friends with various establishment figures who covered for him and protected him. That element of the story will never be known. He had friends in very high places. Mrs Thatcher, Prince Charles/ Prince Philip. If they didn't know what he was getting up to I'd be very surprised. Guilt by association.

The bravery of all the survivors of his abuse can not be praised enough, credit to the writers and producers of the series, although he is utterly repulsive at the same time it is utterly compelling. 8/10 although I'd never want to watch it again Coogan is stunning.

Growing up in 70s every kids will have their own thoughts and stories of Saville. Mine is seeing Saville and Peter Jaconelli parade down the sea front at Scarborough as if they owned it. Jaconelli in his mayor's chain and Saville in a gold track suit.

Their bling glistening and rattling as they walked by. Not a very exciting story but even then in the mid 90s their celebrity status gave them a certain kudos even though they look outlandish and just weird. Ps nice mention of Green Tambourine by the Lemon Pipers pop fans.
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