The Reckoning (2023)
A harrowing dramatisation.
18 October 2023
Many people loved Jimmy Savile, millions would tune in to watch him, he raised millions of pounds for charity, however, the man was genuinely monstrous, the list of his sickening crimes is obscene.

When this broke on the news, it was just shocking, he was a British institution, close to Government, The Royal family, hospitals etc, it was hard to contemplate, this case really did change things.

This is surely going to be divisive, and for many good reasons, there's something a little uncomfortable about the fact that The Beeb made this, considering the history.

However, opinions of the real life situation out of the way, this is an excellent drama, very well made, superbly acted and thought provoking.

Harrowing and hard to watch at times, it's really sickening, mercifully it's not too graphic, but what's shown and implied is diabolical enough.

Steve Coogan delivers a first class, award winning performance, he's got everything spot on, the visuals, the body language, the very strange behaviour, spot on, he's definitely faced something of a backlash. Mark Stanley, Gemma Jones, Fenella Woolgar and others are excellent in support.

Well worth watching.

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