M3GAN (2022)
Hi I'm M3gan wanna play?
18 October 2023
Gifted robotics engineer Gemma finds herself becoming the guardian of her young niece following her parents death. She finds the challenge of her hectic work schedule, and tending to the needs of her niece, to be a tricky life balance. However, a prototype which she has called M3gan may prove to be the answer... (this robotic doll creation whom it has to be said would look like how I would imagine Una Healy from the Saturdays would look like as a child) M3gan interacts and plays with Cady allowing Gemma to focus on her career. But as with any experimental AI, things don't always run as smoothly as one would hope....

There are so many AI films out nowadays that it's starting to get to a point now where a once interesting concept is starting to become stagnant. However, on odd occasions, films like M3gan come along...they're imperfect, but on the whole are entertaining and a tad creepy...

The film builds at a nice pace and the development of the relationship with M3gan and Cady is nicely handled and believable; as the psychologist said Cady just wants somebody who she can make an emotional attachment to and M3gan is clearly better equipped to fill that void than Gemma. I'm not criticising Gemma here... she's a career woman and being a guardian is something that has been thrust upon and is something that she's not prepared for.

The dangers of AI are highlighted here to a somewhat terrifying extent; whilst you could argue that very smart AI is a good thing when it goes wrong and becomes uncontrollable or unmanageable it is something that us humans are just not able to deal with. This is already the way that we are going with driverless cars...something which I'm personally very sceptical of.

There's something inherently creepy about robots and dolls, but the beauty with M3gan is that in the early stages of the film she has a sort of angelic quality about it her which soon dissipates when people push her too far. The film offers a nice balance of heart-warming dialogue and one robot carnage which is all masterfully presented.

Although the film is entertaining, creepy, a tad unnerving and swiftly paced there are 1 or 2 problems with the picture. It does suffer a bit from the 'idiot complex' i.e things that seem to happen in films that wouldn't happen in the real world... examples of this are the fact that there are clearly problems with M3gan before Gemma takes her home to Cady yet these problems are ignored...despite obvious flaws with M3gan no protocol is in place to properly shut her down - for example an override incase she fails to respond to shut down responses from primary or secondary handlers.

Still, in all honestly none of this matters so much and what you effectively have here is an AI version of Child's Play and it is a hell of a lot of fun to watch and given the plethora of dreadful AI films that have been circulating over the last few years M3gan is definitely top of the pile.

HONOURABLE MENTION: Bruce's expertly applied choke-slam to M3gan.

DISHONOURABLE MENTION: Ronny Chieng for saying "You cannot be serious" in the exact style of John McEnroe without a hint of irony.
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