Kids show - stop taking Power Rangers so seriously!
21 October 2023
Is it cringey? Sure. Are the special effects a bit lame? Yep. But - this is a kid's show. Some of the reviews are taking Power Rangers a bit too seriously.

My 7 year old loves it. Like many kid's shows with actors (rather than animated), it is cheesy and over the top but all low budget shows like this are.

Other reviewers have compared it to other versions of power rangers; I remember the 90s version and more recent ones and they were cheesy too! I think maybe some have forgotten? Has any non cringey version existed? Don't think so.

Would I watch it myself? No, but it's great for kids, in that they love it; there's super powers from the ninja star thingys, no real violence (very pretend martial arts and effects style), no swearing or anything inappropriate. Very much a kids show and if you're not playing it for your 5-12 year old then you're probably the wrong audience.
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