Possibly a tax avoidance scheme
21 November 2023
Story is about some tin pot regional gangsters who haunt the council estates of any English town. The script would be a decent first attempt by a Sixth former with an obsession with local hard men but a bit embarrassing for a man in his 40's/50's.

Was a brave choice to use amateur actors and I had they all had a lovely time trying something new but fair to say there's been no rough diamonds uncovered.

The director doesn't seem to be concerned with trying to align the period the flashbacks are set in with what those times actually looked like and didn't really bother with things like ambiance or nuance. Looking at his past work, I'm assuming this was a 'side of the desk' project or maybe he lost a bet.

Over all, it's amazing this script was even seem worthy of printed copies let alone actually getting funded so I think it needs to be investigated as some kind of money laundering scheme or tax avoidance.

Please, please save yourselves from even watching it on Prime because even the three minutes you'll spend confused before switching it off would be much better invested in literally anything else.
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