Scott Pilgrim: Smaller, Longer, and Uncut
4 December 2023
If you haven't seen Scott Pilgrim the movie, go watch that. It's better than this in almost every way. While this is good in it's own right, it's significantly LESS good with alot more dead space that feels like time filler.

If I hadn't seen the movie, I might well have been impressed with this show's style and fun. But because of the movie, it feels redundant. Sure, the plot is NOT the same...actually, aside from VERY high level bullet points, it's not even close to the same.

But I still walk away wondering -- why? Why produce a less tight, less clever, less funny, lower budget, cash-grabby version of the movie? Again, not that this series is bad, far from it. There are good jokes. There are good action sequences. The voice acting is good (often the same people from the movie). I don't love the animation style that looks like a mashup of anime and cartoon network's minimalism...but whatever.

Much like the movie (and I presume the comic which I have never read), video game tropes are made real. Just about every superhero sci-fi or magic thing you can think of seems to be real in this world...though without ANY explanation whatsoever. It's like the show is thumbing it's nose at our desire for any of this stuff to make sense.

It has the same humor style as the original. I love the papparazzi. The evil exes get more space to be people and have character arcs, which is nice. There's time travel that comes out of nowhere. It's definitely not bad...it just can't hold a candle to the movie.
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