The guy who accidently spilled jp5 all over pier 12 during filming
29 December 2023
I was aboard during the making of this movie even had a small part in it (the mess deck scene) we were done with lunch but as we were sitting there they were setting up the cameras and asked who wanted to be in a scene ,if you look all the trays are empty as we had just finished eating and were about to leave. We rehearsed the scene and then they played on a cheap cassette player the sound that was to hurt our ears, as it played we threw our trays and grabbed our heads creating the scene you see in the montages. A few days later while in V4 fuels division I was doing a recirc test while in port of the JP5 fuel system ,this involved pumping fuel to the flight deck and then recirculating it back to the pump room .long story short I opened a valve that was not supposed to be open and ended up spraying fuel all over the camera equipment and other movie related items stored in a semi trailer on the pier and drenching two limo's parked on the pier . In an investigation afterwards it was found that I was not fully at fault because the valve I opened should have been tagged "Do not open in port" my claim to fame LOL I am now retired after 23 years EM2.
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