Review of The Hill

The Hill (2023)
A great real life story that got butchered by Hollywood
25 January 2024
I knew this story from a few years ago in a podcast, so I was really looking forward to the film.

WHAT were they thinking in casting??? Dennis Quaid (almost 70) playing an under 35 dad ? James Hill died at 50! It was laughable and I found this casting insulting to the story. And then there's grandma who looks younger than Dad (James Hill) right up until her last screen time. Make up crew got it together . But Her make up ending at her chin was awful. The actress should have never taken this job as it did her no favours as her lines were mostly awful and unbelievable. Tough to deliver bad writing.

The young Ricky Hill character was spot on!!!! Loved him and his delivery. Great job and had you rooting for him right away! The older version did a good job as well but the actresses (young and old) who played Ricky's girlfriend both stole the show and were the single biggest highlight throughout. Lots of talent there!

Over all it was bad writing , a joke for casting the father and grandmother which is real shame because this story deserved better. Much much better.
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