Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
If only on HBO...
11 February 2024
Probably the only show to really compete with Sopranos for best of the genre.

Some things it did better.

Some things it did worse.

The things it did better:
  • Kept the story focused around the 'gangsterness' that people tuned in for; even when incorporating family drama. Sopranos not only had more family drama, but 90% of the family drama didn't have anything to do with the mafia premise; downright boring at times.

  • In shows such as these, you have to have your per episode arcs, as well as your season long arcs. SOA had better in depth and entertaining arcs; both episode and season wise.

  • Better final episode.

The things it did worse:
  • While an achievement to be as entertaining as it was, when it was a 'PG-13 biker show' - one still has to wonder how awesome and more authentic it would have been, with cursing and nudity (being it's about bikers). All of the other qualities, plus an R rating - would have put this show over the top of the Sopranos. We never have to wonder about that with Sopranos, because it was on HBO.

  • While Sopranos had some annoying characters, it didn't have any glowingly bad miscasting. SOA had a horrible miscast in one of its main roles - Maggie Siff as Tara Knowles. Seriously, it's like watching wood.

  • Sopranos didn't have corny antagonists. SOA had some so corny you'd think they had a time machine to the 80s; most notably 'The League'.

  • No one on the Sopranos was married to the creator, with their horrible music being played constantly from season 2 on.

Seasons ranked:

1. Season 1

2. Season 4

3. Season 3

4. Season 2.

5. Season 5

6. Season 7 -



10. Season 6. (The 2nd to last season flounders, much like the Sopranos. School shootings. Trannies. Like they were drawing subjects out of a hat. The last few episodes are decent, but can't redeem the season.)
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