I have a question?
11 February 2024
Why is it that as soon as Bill Maher walks out on his stage there is a very loud and boisterous audience applauding this guy even before he spews a single word? Then when he initiates his monologue from his very first so called sarcastic joke (usually in reference to the Republican Party and specifically he invariably calls out Donald Trump by name ad nauseum) not only do we hear faceless applause but we also hear boisterous laughter and still the camera never pans out to an assumed appreciative audience that seems to salivate on every word, grimace and use of that four letter word that rhymes with PUCK that Bill Maher uses on each episode?

In my humble opinion I believe Bill Maher has been selling his TV audience snake oil with not only his TV induced canned laughter but this late-night show's producers have taken the fake audience to a next level with this constant canned applause and still we, the at-home TV audience never see a real live single audience spectator.

One of these days we may get to see an audience that has in their hands a megaphone in each hand. One megaphone will have a red button on it and when pressed the canned laughter will prevail. The second megaphone will have a button with two little hands depicting a "clap now" insignia that the paid audience can press to save their poor hands from this constant ghost applause that we continually hear but never see an actual audience.

In the past sporadic episodes of his show that I have watched (since nothing else seems to be on) I have heard Bill Maher tell his ghost audience that he has no use for a wife, nor for any children, and I can only assume his home is surrounded with wall to wall and ceiling to floor mirrors so the only person Bill Maher has to look at is his own egotistical self.

I give the Real Time with Bill Maher TV show a fake 4 out of 10 IMDb rating and ask with great passion for the producers to occasionally pan to this never-before-seen audience to see what kind of idiots are actually in the audience who are always laughing and applauding at Bill Maher's every word.
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