low low low budget... everything.
29 February 2024
When a mob boss gets knocked off, they put his son "babyface" in charge of the "protection" outfit. But the son is a store clerk, and clearly not the tough guy they thought he would be. Can they show him how to be a rough, tough guy that they need to run the show? It's a 63 minute shorty from prc.. producers releasing corp. Pretty low budget. The little side bits about the rabbits was just a waste of time. They should have spent that effort jazzing up the script. There's a pretty good framework of a mob and rackets story in here, they just needed to fix it up. And because the war had been raging, they do manage to work it into the story. The picture quality is pretty bad in some spots. I don't see a restoration coming any time soon. Directed by arthur dreifuss. I've seen two other films that he has directed, and they were about as forgettable as this one.
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