Solid Rom-Com
29 February 2024
I'm pretty sure I saw this in the theaters when it first came out (21 years ago). I don't remember enjoying it nearly as much as I did this time around. Maybe the "old jokes" just didn't land in my mid-30s like they did now that I'm old enough to appreciate them (or is it, be the brunt of them). Or maybe it's because being in love in the second half of your life is different than when there are more years ahead of you then behind you.

Either way, I thought this was a solid rom-com with some laugh out loud moments. Sure, there are some cliche moments too (like the writer turning her real life into art, and of course the overused bumping-into-someone-in-the-restaurant trope, c'mon writers there are thousands of restaurants in New York City; this can't happen THAT often) that keep this from being a great movie, but I give it a solid 7 rating.

Besides the two leads (Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton), there are great supporting roles from Keanu Reeves, Amanda Peet, Jon Favreau and the always brilliant Frances McDormand.
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