Oh Jennifer what have you done?! What a DREADFUL self absorbed NONSENSE!
29 February 2024
What's going on inside Jennifer Lopez' head lately? I pity her, having the nerve (and lack of self judgement) to release something as DREADFULLY CRINGEWORTHY as this!

Dont get me wrong, I think Jennifer Lopez is a fine actress and she has starred in several good movies. I cant judge her singing/dacing carreer though, because her music is not my thing. And I even want to believe she is an okay person, so I am not a hater, BUT....

The bad: I guess Jennifer Lopez is suffering from a midlife crisis. She looks old now (even with tons of makeup) and she seems to be desperately clinging on to her fading youthful popular image, which is no more.

So sad to see this once such a good and popular performer now grovel in her own glorification, trying to cling on to some long faded popularity, while half the world has already forgotten her.

Not any good then? It's KITSCH. It's Gigli (2003) revisited, which is by far THE worst Ben Affleck movie EVER made. This music "documentary" has also got an appearance by Ben Affleck, who mumbles some hilarious jibberish about self love. What the what!@?

Hilariously bad. Cringeworthy to the MAX. Havent seen anything as self obsessed and VAIN like this for a long time!!!
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