Most of these reviews jumped on it too early...
2 March 2024
Honestly, I'm kinda baffled by all the hate this series is getting. We're only seven episodes in, the action so far has been top-notch.

So far there has been a good mix of dogfighting scenes and storyline (Something I missed in for example 'Napoleon' where there was very little action and a lot of storyline)

I've seen reviews complain about the characters, especially the pilots, saying there's not much character development. Like, a pilot shows up, and boom, they're out of the picture by the end of the episode. But, hey, most of these reviews came out when we only had three episodes to watch.

It's a bummer the show's getting flak based on those first impressions. The action scenes alone are worth the watch, and the story's got more going on than it gets credit for.

So, yeah, despite the early backlash, I think the series deserves a second look. There's more to it than meets the eye, and I'm here for where it's headed next.
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