Ghost in the Noonday Sun
14 March 2024
A pirate treasure 'comedy' featuring Peter Sellers as a cook who kills his captain after learning where his treasure is buried and then has to rely on the ghost of the man he's just killed as his memory is fading. He assumes captaincy of the ship and sails to Ireland by mistake and thereafter to other places having such larks and finally he picks up Spike Milligan and they get to the treasure island.

This film never got a theatrical release and the reason is simple, it's awful. All documentation around the making of this and director Medak's later documentary 'The Ghost of Peter Sellers' makes it pretty clear that this is down to Sellers. A legend and some time comic genius, it should not be forgotten that along with his many towering performances he was perfectly capable of making utter rot and this is one of those films. Standing around in daft costumes and mumbling in stupid, often illegible voices does not great comedy make. Sellers knew this and threw tantrums throughout and frequently just didn't turn up - full of self doubt then and totally unprofessional.

I'll be honest, I did chuckle at a few one liners and the cast including James Villiers and Clive Revill are fun, but ultimately 99% if this is just dreadful. Avoid.
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