The Greatest (2009)
Very sad story
22 March 2024
Here's an interesting bit of trivia about The Greatest: the sections featuring Carey Mulligan and Aaron Taylor-Johnson were originally supposed to be shown in chronological order at the start of the movie. Then, after Aaron's death, the rest of the drama would unfold with Susan Sarandon and Pierce Brosnan. Someone at the studio, or perhaps focus testing, thought the story wasn't interesting if told linearly, and so the final edit was changed.

Whichever way you watch it, Carey and Aaron were enjoying young teenaged love until he died in a car crash. Aaron's parents, Susan and Pierce, are destroyed and express their grief in different ways. Everyone's forced to come together when Carey finds out she's pregnant. Usually, I'm the first to ask, "Why is abortion never discussed in movies?", but in this case, I completely understand. While it's not fair to automatically burden Carey with carrying the baby to term while she's practically a baby herself, it would be heartless for her to suggest to the grieving would-be grandparents that she terminate the pregnancy. This is a very emotional story, so get out your hankies. You'll see some great acting, but you'll also sit through an incredibly sad story.
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