23 March 2024
A very basic and formulaic entry, a world away from the pure madness and frenetic editing of Tobe Hooper's original and its sequel. Here it's a classic cat and mouse game, not bad in itself and sometimes frightening, but very limited in ambition. The setting is a Texas ghost town that young urbanites want to revitalise. There could have been potential in an exploitation of a mysterious past, particularly around the orphanage present in the city, but almost none of this is explored, neither aesthetically nor narratively, apart from a defaced photo of a young Leatherface, to leave room for plain action. The action is filmed rather poorly, gory at times but mostly with a lack of brutality in the cutting itself. Hooper did much better 50 years ago... The only moment where the film brings a striking aesthetic originality is the scene in a sunflower field, on which all the promotional material is based and which makes for a very beautiful poster by the way. But the whole part in the city doesn't really provide any magic. The gripping ending is still worth the detour.
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