Review of Vulgar

Vulgar (2000)
I wanted to like this movie.
2 April 2024
Vulgar is a movie that fails on almost every level, delivering a tasteless and offensive experience that leaves viewers feeling uncomfortable and disgusted. The movie attempts to shock audiences with its dark subject matter and graphic scenes but ends up crossing the line into gratuitous and exploitative territory.

The story follows a clown who is brutally assaulted and seeks revenge, but the movie's attempt at combining elements of dark comedy and revenge thriller falls flat. The characters are one-dimensional and poorly developed, making it difficult for the audience to invest in their fates or care about what happens to them.

The movie's tone is inconsistent, veering wildly between dark humor and disturbing violence without any sense of balance or purpose. The excessive use of shock value feels cheap and exploitative, relying on graphic scenes of sexual assault and violence to elicit a reaction from the audience rather than engaging them with a compelling story or characters.

Overall, Vulgar is a misguided and offensive movie that relies on shock value to compensate for its lack of substance. It fails to provide any meaningful commentary on its dark subject matter and ends up feeling exploitative and crass. Viewers looking for a thought-provoking or entertaining experience should steer clear of this tasteless misfire.
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