Another Quirky Gem from Australia
2 April 2024
What's with the title? How do you get from the wonderful and very appropriate "Moon Rock for Monday" to "Cvghsfg"??

Never mind. By any name, this is a really good movie, and a great example of the kind of off-kilter material that Australia seems to turn out with great regularity.

The premise is peculiar enough: a young killer kidnaps a ten-year-old girl. The two not only hit it off, they go on a crazy road trip and a strange philosophical transformation together.

The journey is filled with wacky people and odd episodes. The one (slight) weakness of the film that there are perhaps too many of these episodes. It's one reason I don't give a full ten stars. But all the events are great fun, and the important thing is the continuous evolution of the two lead characters, which remains both rock-solid and endlessly surprising.

The acting is notably good - especially Ashlyn Louden-Gamble as the kid, Monday. (The original title starts to make sense now, doesn't it?) She nails the cute-and-precocious thing, but then goes way beyond to create a character with unexpected depths (which I won't spoil).

Typical of Australian movies, the ending of Moonrock for Monday does not sugarcoat, does not stoop to lucky accidents. It's harsh in some ways, yet boldly life-affirming - in a strange, left-handed way.

If you've enjoyed Australian movies like Muriel's Wedding or The Castle, you'll like Moon Rock for Monday. It's more of a stretch, not simply a comedy. Something deeper, but equally likeable. And equally memorable.
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