Disappointed sequel, but has it's moments.
16 April 2024
The Toxic Avenger is back. This time Melvin aka Toxie heads to Japan in search of his father. The evil Apocalypse Inc. Takes over Tromaville in his absence. Toxie gets into all kinds of unusual situations in Tokyo while seeking out his father, Big Mac Junko.

Apocalypse Inc. Has bribed Toxie's psychiatrist to send him to Japan, as they have a plan to destroy the Toxic Avenger with an anti tromaton. This will supposedly breakdown the chemicals in Toxie's body reducing him to a big pile of goo and give Apocalypse Inc. The perfect opportunity to takeover Tromaville.

Now I've seen all four of the Toxic Avenger films numerous times over the years. I was honestly more impressed with this movie as a twelve year old than I am as an adult. It's a major letdown from the original film. There are some good fight scenes and a few good jokes, but much of the humor falls flat and Toxic Avenger Part II tends to drag on and on. This one will probably be most enjoyable to those who are watching this for the first time.
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