Another version of "Body Snatchers".
23 April 2024
Invasion of the Pod People is indie company Asylum's take on the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" story. Now, there's been multiple films released based on this same idea. My favorites being the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the 1994 version simply titled Body Snatchers.

In Invasion of the Pod People a gal from a modeling agency is giving out these unusual plants as gifts to all of the employees. Once an employee receives this gift it starts to do it's thing and takeover the hosts life. One of the women at the modeling agency, Melissa, becomes suspicious of these odd plants, even warning another employee not to accept the gift.

Invasion of the Pod People doesn't make any new ground from any of the previous "body snatchers" films other than adding a bunch of random sex scenes. Lol! These version plays like something you would see on HBO or Cinemax in the wee hours of the night. I give this a 5/10. It's not terrible, but it does lose steam over it's 80 minute run time. I bought my DVD at a consignment shop for $1.00, so it's no big deal.
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