Fallout: The End (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
A sense of craziness specific to science-fiction
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A post-apocalyptic world well represented visually, with obviously some budget, rich and diverse. We go through extremely different atmospheres: underground shelter, military SF, western... All this creates a sense of craziness that is specific to science fiction.

Much of it is told in an uneven humorous tone. Some lines and situations hit the mark (for example the brilliant last shot of the episode), but the derisive and ironic tone sometimes used creates a distance and diminishes the impact of certain scenes, such as the massacre of the inhabitants of Vault 33 by the Raiders, partly in slow motion and on 'Some Enchanted Evening' by The Castells... That could have been a much more shocking moment if treated more brutally.

Also I didn't find any character to really relate to / identify with in the episode. The closest thing to a main male character is Maximus, but his attitudes and dialogue make him an uninspiring figure to me so far. On the feminine side, Lucy stands out, but the scope of her enthusiastic positivity is limited by a partially satirical treatment.

It's not exactly totally great so far, but there are enough interesting elements in it to keep it going.
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