Challengers (2024)
27 April 2024
Challengers is a real odyssey of sex, lies and tennis. Its central tennis match is thrilling and everything surrounding it only makes that match more intense as it shows you what's really at stake for everyone involved. A sweaty, sexy tale of three people who are addicted to each other in a love triangle that goes in every direction.

Zendaya, Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor are all incredible. Their chemistry is ridiculously palpable and their performances are very layered. Zendaya is a master manipulator who still feels human, always knowing exactly what to say to both of them to get the desired outcome. Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor turn from friends to enemies in a very believable fashion.

Faist manipulates in his own way and tries to hide his growing sense of defeat but it always seeps through in the present day sequences. O'Connor is endlessly charming as someone who's completely confident in their sense of self, flaws and all. He knows exactly what he is and yet that doesn't stop his confidence shining through with his smug grin remaining. Effective.

Luca Guadagnino clearly believes subtlety is for cowards with his direction here and every creative choice is a big swing that pays off massively. The tennis match is shot from first person, below the court and from the perspective of the ball bouncing back and forth which makes the sport more cinematic than it's ever been or will be.

Marco Costa's editing moves between multiple timeliness with grace. Jumping around as frequently as this film does could've been confusing or chaotic; however there's a lot of subtle details that help you regain your footing with each jump. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross craft an electrifying club style score that makes everything even more heated.
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